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Entertainment Technology New Zealand

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  • 13 Jul 2024 10:23 | Anonymous

    Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting for Entertainment Technology New Zealand Inc will be held on Saturday 27th July 10.00am in Auckland.

    Closer to the meeting time, the Agenda including the Auckland location and a zoom link will be published to allow members to attend the AGM online.

    Nominations for all positions on the ETNZ Executive, being President, Vice President, Secretary / Treasurer & Committee members are being requested.  Nominations to be submitted on the downloadable form that can be found on the resources page on the website. Both the nominee and nominator need to be current members of ETNZ.  Nominations close on Saturday 6th July 2024      

    Members who have any items or motions for discussion under General Business need to submit the item or motion to by Saturday 6th July 2024 with enough information that when included in the agenda, the membership can be informed.

    The constitution states that 5% of the membership is required to make a quorum for this meeting.  Therefore we require at least 12 members to attend this meeting.   

    The AGM is when Life Membership, the Industry Achievement Award and Production pins are awarded

    If you wish to nominate a person (or organisation) for a Life Membership or Industry Achievement Award, or apply for a Production Pin, please see the resources page on the  ETNZ website for application details.  Nominations for these are required to be submitted by Saturday 13th July 2024

    Life Membership
    Life members are defined in our constitution as persons who have rendered outstanding service to Entertainment Technology New Zealand as an association.
    A life member must be a financial member of ETNZ.

    The nomination for this award should be based on one or more of the following criteria:
    • Serving on the Executive Committee over three or more terms
    • Serving on sub-committees to advance the published ETNZ goals
    • Supporting and advancing the interests of ETNZ over an extended period of time

    Industry Achievement Awards
    ETNZ Executive may select members persons, organisations or companies, who have provided a valuable and significant contribution to the NZ Entertainment Industry to receive an Industry Achievement Award.

    Nominations for the Industry Achievement Award will be assessed on the following criteria:
    • the person or organisation is, or has been, an outstanding leader in the field of entertainment technology
    • the person or organisation has developed a product or procedure that has become nationally or internationally recognised
    • the person or organisation has provided outstanding service to the Entertainment Industry (generally greater than fifteen years)
    • the person or organisation has provided outstanding support in educating and training new industry technicians
    • the person is not a current sitting member of the executive committee

    Production and Event pins

    Introduced in 2015 as a way of recognising the commitment of our members to the industry. It is a recognition of participation in production and events, open to all ETNZ financial members who have been involved in the designing, constructing, pulling together, crewing, or management of a production or event .Applicants are eligible to apply for a 25, 50, 75, or 100+ production/event pin.

    The criteria for the pins
    • The applicant must be a current financial member of ETNZ (Bronze, Silver, Gold, & Platinum tiers).

    • An application must demonstrate that the required number of productions and/or events have been achieved.


    • A professional production is defined as a season, event, or tour and is required to have a technical or dress rehearsal, and a performance.

    • A complete tour is counted as one production, but multiple tours of the same production can be counted as a separate production.

    • A major event is a nationally significant event or ceremony (i.e. World Cup, Tradeshow/Conference that has an international reach).

    • Recreational, community theatre and concerts are included, if you received remuneration and they fulfill the criteria of having a technical or dress rehearsal and a performance.
    • A virtual production or event can be counted as long as it has at least 3 of the following elements: set, lighting, sound, costumes.

  • 4 Mar 2023 19:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Please join us to focus on building connections and conversations centered around trends we’re seeing in the local and international commercial AV and lighting industries. Jands want to support New Zealand partners and customers across 2023. Your input will be most welcome at this Q&A format event.

    Key Topics

    • Current trends for products and solutions in 2023.
    • What’s next for Jands in New Zealand.
    • How Jands can support your projects.
    • Jands business services.

    RSVP to the event here

  • 19 Feb 2023 17:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferries are super excited to announce their newest and largest ship – the Connemara – has arrived!

    Connemara provides all the best bits you have come to know and love from Bluebridge, including our great Kiwi service, freshly prepared food, free Wi-Fi, a dedicated kids’ area, and move private cabins with ensuite for that extra personal space.

    You can book now to sail on the Connemara from 16 February. The Connemara will be replacing the Strait Feronia’s schedule so those who have a booking with us on the Feronia after this date will be sailing on our new ship. 

    The Connemara also has dedicated dog-friendly cabins.  That’s right; dogs can travel onboard Connemara with their owner! . A Cook Strait first, we hope this news is as exciting for you as it is for us!

    Book one of the two or four-bed dog-friendly cabins– maximum 2 dogs per cabin. Plus, travellers will also have access to the communal outside dog exercise area which is perfect for them to stretch their legs and get some fresh air.  Please note that for the safety and comfort of all passengers, dogs are not allowed in the main passenger areas of the ship (except certified assistance dogs) and all dogs must be kept on a lead when outside of the cabin. 

    For more information about Connemara and the dog-friendly cabins, please go to the Connemara page on our website

    Some more fast facts on the Connemara are detailed below;

    -             187 metres long
    -             Gross Tonnage 27414
    -             Up to 500 passengers
    -             120 Cabins (including a few dog friendly ones)
    -             Escalator access from main vehicle deck
    -             Most recently operated by Brittany Ferries

  • 12 Feb 2023 20:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It is with great sadness that ETNZ is announcing that Grant Gilbert completed his final pack out on Saturday night. Grant, a life member of ETNZ, has been a long-standing entertainment industry professional and in this time has given a lot back to the industry including serving as president of ETNZ. Our thoughts go out to his partner, Tracey, and their family.

  • 7 Jan 2023 10:46 | Anonymous

    ETNZ will start testing the membership renewals  side of the new website from today.

  • 10 Jul 2022 18:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AGM Held today at Te Pae in Christchurch


  • 1 Feb 2022 16:45 | Anonymous

    Thank you to all who contributed to our survey last week. Your responses were extremely helpful and have been used in our advocacy to the government via the letter and summary below.

    Our findings show the estimated loss of revenue resultant from postponements or cancellations due to the move to RED for the period 24 January - 1 May 2022 is estimated at 85% of the revenue for our respondents over this period. For our respondents, this equates to an estimated $40 million loss.

    ETNZ COVID 19 Omicron Summary PUBLISHED 2022-01-31

    2022-02-01 Letter ETNZ COVID 19 Omicron RED Survey

  • 27 Jan 2022 16:49 | Anonymous

    In response to the change to Red setting, ETNZ has sent the following letter to bring to the attention of Ministers the impact this has on our membership and the wider event and entertainment sector. Our aim is to discuss and develop strategies with Government to ensure our sector is supported through this stage of the pandemic.

    2022-01-27 Letter ETNZ COVID 19 Omicron RED

    Please take the time to support our advocacy by providing data in this short survey to use in our next communications with Government. The survey will close on the 28th of January.

  • 21 Nov 2020 15:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Facility Operations Apprenticeship is for people who are building their career to take the lead in a facility operations role within an indoor or outdoor sport, arts, entertainment or recreation venue or facility.

    To successfully achieve this apprenticeship you will need to be employed in a sport, art, entertainment or recreation workplace for at least a 12 month period. You may already be in a facility supervision role or your workplace has identified this as part of your development pathway.

    This programme will take up to 2 years to complete 120 credits, and has a mixture of written and practical tasks (projects). These are completed and assessed online in Skills Activator – Skills Active’s learning management system. Most people will receive their training through their workplace. There will be some webinars, reference links, and learning support information online within Skills Activator that can help you.

    To read more on this new qualification, visit the Skills Active web page, and remember: Skills Active apprenticeships are zero-fees until the end of 2022, under the government’s Targeted Training Fund.

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